Week-long Music Literacy Training For K5–12th Grade Students
SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 23–28, 2025

What if your student(s) came out of this summer with greater musical confidence and musicianship? What if this also encouraged them in how to better imitate their Heavenly Father who sings over them? What if they could do this good work while fellowshipping with others around singing and choir? Sound good so far?
Enter Jubilate Deo Summer Music Camp (pronounced You-Bee-Latte Day-o), a unique opportunity for students ages five through graduated seniors to refine their music skills in challenging and rewarding ways. Participants work on singing, folk dancing, music theory, Bible, Art, and more as they prepare for a closing concert and family folk dance at the end of the week. Each year our camp week has a theme set by our guest conductor, Dr. David Erb. The students work on the concert theme and prepare a closing concert for Saturday morning. Students gather at 8:30am for morning prayer and singing during the camp week, followed by an exhaustingly good time of choir rehearsals, folk dancing, Bible study, Art, games, and more.
Enter Jubilate Deo Summer Music Camp (pronounced You-Bee-Latte Day-o), a unique opportunity for students ages five through graduated seniors to refine their music skills in challenging and rewarding ways. Participants work on singing, folk dancing, music theory, Bible, Art, and more as they prepare for a closing concert and family folk dance at the end of the week. Each year our camp week has a theme set by our guest conductor, Dr. David Erb. The students work on the concert theme and prepare a closing concert for Saturday morning. Students gather at 8:30am for morning prayer and singing during the camp week, followed by an exhaustingly good time of choir rehearsals, folk dancing, Bible study, Art, games, and more.

Training students to read, write, and sing music.
In a day and age when music and the arts are relegated to extracurricular activities, Christians must work extra hard to train themselves and their children in the joy of music and singing. Jubilate Deo Summer Music Camp is not just about giving children something to do during their summer break. It's about instructing them in what it means to be skillful singers who understand the blessings of singing and making music.Jubilate Deo is the only camp of its kind in the south where music literacy is paired with a biblical understanding of music and singing.
Our 2024 team of Christian, Kodály inspired music educators.

Dr. David Erb
Music Director
David Erb holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Erb earned a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1997.

Jarrod Richey
Founder / Folk Dance Instructor
Jarrod Richey received his bachelors degree at Louisiana Tech before completing his Masters of Music in Choral Conducting at University of Louisiana at Monroe. Mr. Richey completed his Kodály certification at Wichita State University.

Sarah Davis
Early Elementary Intructor
Sarah Davis is a talented pianist and organist and teaches general K4-6th music for Geneva Academy. She received her Kodály music certification from Wichita State University. This is Sarah's fifth year to work with the youngest music campers.

Katie Mook
Elementary Instructor
Katie Mook joins the Jubilate Deo Camp staff as elementary instructor. She teaches music and choir at Ascension Classical School in Shreveport, Louisiana. She is pursuing her Kodály certification at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, ID.

Annette Larsen
Upper Elementary Instructor
Annette Larsen returns to Jubilate Deo Summer Music Camp to work with the 5th-6th grade Graders. She teaches Kodály music classes at T.S. Cooley Elementary in Lake Charles, LA. She received her national Kodály music certification from McNeese State University.

Angela Littlejohn
Assistant Junior High Instructor
Angela Littlejohn returns to music camp to help with the junior high camp classes. She teaches music at the Ozarks Christian Academy in West Plains, Missouri. She received her Kodály music teacher certification from Wichita State University.

Edward Varela
Lead Junior High Instructor
Ed Varela returns to the music camp staff this year. He is the music teacher at Trinitas Christian School in Pensacola, FL. He received his Kodály music teacher training at New Saint Andrews College as part of the Chenaniah Summer Music Institute. He is a talented pianist.

Dr. Uri Brito
Chapel & Bible Coordinator
Pastor Uriesou Brito returns to us from Providence Church in Pensacola, FL. Pastor Brito's boisterous Brazilian excitement brings a joy to chapel and Bible class alike.

Bethany Wilkins
Art Instructor
Bethany Wilkins teaches upper school drawing and art for Geneva Academy in West Monroe, LA. She is passionate about helping students find beauty in the art around them as well as in how to create beautiful art to the glory of God.
DATES: JUNE 24–JUNE 29, 2024
Five-Year Olds through Rising 4th Graders
Students participate in chapel, singing, folk dance lessons, Art & Bible class, music games, and choir preparation each day. Campers are fed a snack mid-morning before dismissal.

Rising 5th Graders through COLLEGE FRESHMEN
Students participate in chapel, singing, folk dance lessons, art class, Bible class, score study, choir rehearsals, section rehearsals, and more each day. Students should bring a cold-sack lunch and a water bottle.
Closing Camp Concert - Saturday 11am
K5-4th Grade Tuition: $100 (Half-Day)
5th-13th Grade Tuition: $125 (Full-Day)
We don't want financial hardship to prevent families from participating. Please inquire about scholarships.
But, there's more!
Our 6th Annual
Wednesday and Thursday, June 26–27, 2024 will have daytime events for parents of
participants and others interested in church music and worship discussions. We will also have an evening concert/lecture
participants and others interested in church music and worship discussions. We will also have an evening concert/lecture